
The long-anticipated General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, and European privacy groups are wasting no time leveling its enforcement provisions against the likes of Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Complaints against these tech giants could carry fines of up to $9.3 billion in total, so it’s important to get any last outstanding compliance items in place before regulators come your way.

At Engageware, we have been preparing for this date for some time and stand ready for new compliance challenges. To emphasize our readiness for any potential regulatory issues with GDPR, we highlighted a few of the preparations we have undertaken in the months leading up to May 25.

What is the GDPR?

The European Union (“EU”) General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which goes into effect on May 25th, 2018, is designed to protect the privacy rights of EU citizens. Engageware is prepared for the changes and is providing product updates and instructions to ensure our customers can meet the new regulations. For more information on GDPR, see below and visit EUGDPR.org (https://www.eugdpr.org/)

Among other requirements of GDPR, EU Citizens will now have the right to ask any organization that collects their data to:

  • Show them all the data you have on them
  • Request changes to the data you’ve collected on them
  • Remove all their data to move to another system
  • Forget/delete all data you’ve collected on them

How is Engageware Prepared for GDPR?

Engageware is well positioned for GDPR, and we are adding capabilities to ensure all Engageware product editions meet GDPR guidelines. Our customers’ use of Engageware’s services can assist with their own GDPR obligations.

Preparations and capabilities include:

  • The ability to add clear consent messaging to online scheduling pages and on-site kiosk and scheduling tools.
  • Providing Engageware customers with instructions and in-product tools to handle “right to be forgotten” requests.
  • Ongoing commitments to adhering to the highest security standards including EU Privacy Shield compliance and annual SOC II auditing practices.
  • And more…

For Engageware customers, please see our FAQ on GDPR in the support portal. We are ready to assist!

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