Finding the Right Mix: Blending the Physical & Digital for an Optimal In-Branch Experience
The change? A shift in focus, from buying products to building relationships. The way people buy has changed. Today’s consumers want customization, not generalization. The challenge? Matching the convenience of the on-demand economy, where consumers have instant access to infinite options, while providing the personalized connections and experience that brick and mortar locations offer. The solution? […]
New B2C buyer experience data says in-person appointments are key to successful customer engagement
Yesterday Engageware released data from our survey on the state of the B2C buying experience, and respondents made it overwhelmingly clear that B2B brands should consider appointment scheduling to deliver the personalized buying experiences preferred by today’s consumers. The Engageware-sponsored survey, “What Buyers Want: The State of the B2C Buyer Experience,” complements our recent data […]